Looking for a Sacramento Tutor?

There has definitely been an increase in parents and students look for tutoring in Sacramento. It really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise with the increase in competition within schools in California and nationwide. After all, tutors can provide great assistance to children, high school students and even college students. These professionals are equipped with the knowledge and experience needed to teach the children the topics and lessons that they cannot comprehend at school. In addition to that, they are also well versed with the different types of teaching aids that will make learning a lot easier (and more fun) for kids.

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Here are some of the teaching tools that a Sacramento tutor would commonly use:

  • Books

Ok, yes this might sound obvious but this is the most commonly used teaching tool that tutors use nowadays. These resources are used in classrooms, seminars, trainings and many more. They are the best tool for private tutoring because the books used in class showcase what classroom teachers are looking for. The tutor may use the book that your child uses in school but there are times when they would bring their own references so that they can teach your children even better. Some of the books that your private tutor may use include tests and study plans that can help in enhancing the learning experience of the child.

  • Video-based teaching aids

These tools provide lots of benefits in the classroom setting. Video teaching aids are also used by tutors in making some lessons clearer and more comprehensible to children. After all, this is the video generation moving through schools now and it’s always easier for kids to learn when presented with material in the best format for their learning style. Movies and other programs are used to further discuss the different methodologies that surround several types of subjects such as science and mathematics. In addition to that, documentary videos are very useful in subject areas like history and social studies.

  • Flash cards

This type of teaching tools is actually more preferred by tutors who are teaching younger children and toddlers. You will find that flash cards are effective in teaching the alphabet, types of animals, vegetables and many more. Additionally, it is also a great tool for teaching basic mathematics including subtraction, addition, division and multiplication. These cards can be bought at bookstores or the tutors can do their own version of flash cards. Using flash cards makes the learning process more fun and also is a great way to keep track of where your child may be weak on any given topic.

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  • Course-specific tools

These types of tools include dissection kits, chemistry lab sheets and many more. There are also items that are useful in teaching anatomy such as skeletons, posters of muscular systems and many more. Globes and maps can be used to teach geography while there are also planetary study tools that can be useful in teaching earth science. While there are some course specific tools that might be geared towards younger age groups, you are most likely to find them being used for older kids study aids.

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The Sacramento tutoring industry is starting to become bigger and bigger. All of the Sacramento tutors will employ various strategies and utilize the tools stated above. These professionals will choose the tools that they think will be best suited for the child. In this way, your child will have a fun and enjoyable time learning lessons that he or she once thought as hard to understand.

If you are looking for a private tutor, then check out the tutors at Private Tutoring at Home.com for some of the best in the industry!

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What the heck does detente and levelheaded mean?

Words can be super fun.  What strange words do you love?  Even if they’re not very strange many of these SAT/ACT words aren’t used in normal, everyday language.  We dare you to use one of these words in one of your conversations today!  Example:  “You look serene today Julie.”   Do it for the vine?


Statuesque; adj. Unusually large or outstanding in carriage and/or demeanor.

The statuesque soap opera cast made headlines.
Surfeit; n, v.

Noun: overindulgence, as in food or drink.

An excessive amount.

The rich town was seen as having a surfeit of material goods.

Verb: to feed or supply to excess, even to the point of disgust.

She was able to surfeit canned goods to me in my time of need and now I have too many canned goods, I don’t know what to do with them.
Titanic; adj. Of or relating to something awesome or great in size or scope.

The rain hit us in titanic proportions and our basement flooded.

Acumen; n. Keenness of mind; good insight; quickness; accuracy.

Her scientific acumen is so sharp that she was chosen to work in the labs months before the rest of her class.
Acute; adj. Clever; sharp of mind; incisive.

My hearing is so acute that no whispers sneak past me.
Astute; adj. Clever and insightful; having an innate ability to understand or perceive.

My mother has an astute mind and so I always go to her for advice.
Canny; adj. Careful; shrewd; clever; wily; full of guile.

She is so canny that she gets away with everything.
Discernment; n. Keenness of insight and judgement.

I try hard to discern between what’s right and wrong.
Judicious; adj. Having sound and prudent judgement.

My father is a judicious person who leads out family with rules to keep us safe.
Keenness; n. Smartly cutting or marked by remarkable mental quickness or understanding.

I have a keen mind and so I understand people well.
Perceptive; adj. Having a keen sense of understanding and discernment.

Because I am perceptive, I understand when my friends are having a hard day.

Assuage; v. To lessen; to take the edge off; to tone down.
To assuage his hunger I gave him two granola bars until we arrived at the destination.
Appease; v. To pacify or make tranquil; to calm down or settle something or someone.

To appease the argument I separated the two.
Composed; adj. Serene and self-possessed; calm and not easily agitated.

I composed myself and then walked in the door of my new classroom, ready to take on the class.
Détente; n. A relaxing or easing of tensions between rivals, often but not always, in a political sense.

It will take years to détente my relationship with my grandparents.
Dormant; adj. Lying asleep or in a calm state, but having the suggestion of life or activity that is temporarily quiet.

When I go to sleep after my three day shift I lie dormant for the next few days.
Imperturbable; adj. Not easily shaken; calm, cool, and easygoing; slow to become excited.

I had to learn to become imperturbable when I got my new boss that is hard to deal with.
Levelheaded; adj. Usually composed and in control; not easily rattled or swayed by differing opinions.

My teacher remains levelheaded unless Jason messes around in class.
Mitigate; v. To moderate in force or intensity; to calm or cool down; to lessen in intensity.

It’s hard to mitigate some peoples anger but a thing to try is to explain the circumstances of why you let them down.
Placate; v. To appease, pacify, soothe, or make amends.

I was able to placate the baby by giving him his bottle.
Placid; adj. Undisturbed, unflappable, calm, serene, and satisfied.

I sat by the placid lake in the early morning and watched the sun rise.
Quiescent; adj. Quiet; still; at rest; serene and calm.

I am a very quiescent girl who loves to read and sit by the lake.
Repose; n, v. Noun: Quiet tranquility; the state of being at rest or asleep.

My grandma’s repose was obvious when we heard her sigh as she watched the sunset.
Serene; adj. Quiet and unperturbed; unaffected by disturbance; at peace within oneself.

The serene scene of the pasture made my anger dissolve.

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Learning These Words Can Help YOU!

Have you ever read a book in which the vocabulary was so elevated you could barely understand what was going on?  I have and I wanted to quit on the second page.  Learn these words and that is less likely to happen.

  • Dearth; n. A scarcity or lack of supply.
  • During the war, there was a dearth of food storage.


  • Diminutive; adj. Very small; tiny. (Diminutive is occasionally used as a noun. It refers to anything that is small or the name given to suffixes on words that indicate smallness. For example, the suffix let is a diminutive. When it is added to a noun, it indicates a smaller version of that noun, such as a booklet or starlet.)
  • She is a diminutive baby, weighing only 4 pounds.


  • Infinitesimal; adj. Immeasurably or incalculably small.
  • I never thought we’d be able to study the infinitesimal nucleus of an atom, but with new technology, we can.


  • Insignificant; adj. Of little importance or power.
  • My problems seem insignificant when compared to others.
  • Small and not important.
  • The scratch on the paint was insignificant and the owner of the house didn’t make us repaint it.


  • Lilliputian; n, adj. Noun: A very tiny person or thing.
  • Compared to the tall basketball player, the children were Lilliputians.
  • Adjective: Small or trivial in size.
  • The Lilliputian house was perfect for the small family.
  • Not important; petty.
  • The discussion was Lilliputian in the midst of the emergency.


  • Meager; adj. Scarce in quantity or extent; in short supply.
  • After camping for two weeks, we had a meager supply of food.
  • Deficient in richness or fertility.
  • The soil was meager and so the crops barely grew.


  • Minuscule; adj, n. Adjective: Extremely tiny; very small.
  • She used a minuscule amount of frosting on the cake so as to not overpower the people who ate it.
  • Noun: Small, ancient, cursive script.
  • The minuscule writing was hard for me to read.
  • Lowercase letters.
  • A term for lowercase letters is minuscule.


  • Minute; adj. Exceptionally small or insignificant.
  • The way he looked at me seemed minute but my friends told me it was significant.
  • Characterized by precise and close scrutiny.
  • I did a minute inspection to make sure they had cleaned properly.


  • Mite; n. A very small sum of money.
  • To a widow, a mite may seem like unto a large sum of money to others who have more.
  • A very small creature or object.
  • The small child was a mite compared to the big football players.


  • Negligible; adj. Not considered important enough to be worth bothering about; insignificant.
  • The problem was negligible to me, but to the woman next to me it seemed to be important enough for her to cry about.


  • Scintilla; n. A minute amount; barely a suggestion; just an inkling or a spark.
  • For a moment I had a scintilla of hope that he loved me, but then I came back to reality.


  • Trifling; adj. Of trivial or nonsensical importance; not important and easily dismissed.
  • His trifling plan was impossible to make a reality.


  • Trivial; adj. Of little significance or importance; concerned with trivia or inconsequential information; commonplace.
  • I know many trivial facts but I blank on the important ones.


  • Ample; adj. Of a large or great size; fully significant, even more than enough.
  • There is an ample amount of love for you here.


  • Behemoth; n. Something that is enormous in size and/or power.
  • The giant was a behemoth that terrorized all the towns nearby.


  • Colossal; adj. So enormous or gigantic that it seems to defy belief.
  • The colossal monument blew me away.


  • Copious; adj. Containing or yielding plenty; bountiful in amount or manner.
  • I have a copious amount of corn from the harvest.


  • Gargantuan; adj. Of enormous size, quantity, or volume or capacity.
  • I thought I’d never climb the gargantuan cliff leading to the path.


  • Humongous; adj. Gigantic or extremely oversized.
  • I was so hungry I ate the humongous pizza.


  • Immeasurable; adj. So vast or limitless in size that measurement is not possible.
  • My love for him is immeasurable.


  • Incalculable; adj. Impossible or too great to be calculated or resolved.
  • Incalculable damage came after the hurricane.


  • Infinite; adj. immeasurably great or large; having no limits or boundaries.
  • The teacher displayed infinite patience even though the students were rude and restless.

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Planning For Midterms and Finals

Is it that time of year again? Midterms? Finals? Do you want to pull your hair out yet? Here are some tried and true tips to help you do your best.

-Plan ahead. Start to rehearse and review your notes and the texts BEFORE exam week so that you can cut down on your workload for the week. Starting early is essential for classes that have cumulative exams because there is so much information to review.

-Cut down on work or other commitments. If you work part-time, ask for some time off or for fewer hours at your job and make sure that your family and friends understand that you will be extra busy. Try not to add any new commitments during midterm and final time.

-Get enough sleep. Pulling all-nighters for a big exam rarely pays off. Instead try to create your schedule for exam week in a way that leaves adequate sleep time. You won’t do well on an exam if you are falling asleep while taking it.

-Study with a partner. Misery loves company and this is never truer than during midterms and finals. Hopefully by the time midterms roll around you have found a study group that works. Study with your group or study partner to keep each other on schedule and motivated to work.

-Don’t panic. The whole world will not stop and does not end because of midterms and finals. If you did thy the pressure is getting to you, readjust your schedule to allow more break time and try to really relax during those breaks. If you find that you have excessive anxiety, get some help before it becomes a stumbling block to doing well.

Excerpt from College Success Strategies by Sherrie L. Nist and Jodi Patrick Holschuh.

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